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About Us

About Us

The funeral industry has been playing a vital role in our nation and the economy, and it came to us that we should meet as active participants of the industry. Whereas the FUNERAL INDUSTRY PRACTITIONERS OF SOUTH AFRICA (FIPSA) was founded in 2018 to promote the issue of professionalism, confidentiality, accountability, compliance, networking and promote economic development amongst funeral practitioners.

Serve the interest of all our clients without prejudice all who need our services;

FIPSA shall be a juristic person with the rights to sue and be sued as a result, we as members of this association, pledge ourselves to serve our nation in our respective community where we operate, to conduct our business operations professionally, honourably, and respectfully.

VISION: To be an organization of choice for funeral services providers, protecting and developing, advice and representing our clients through CONSISTENT ACHIEVEMENT OF EXCELLENCE in every sphere of funeral services provision and client service.


  • To remain committed to quality service and strengthening the connection between our members and their clients.
  • To differentiate through superior service which adds value but remains affordable
  • To provide operational excellence,
  • to stay innovative in the application of funeral services and solutions
  • Enhance the excellence of people with our high-performance climate and culture to ensure superior sustainable business performance
  • promotes excellence within the funeral industry in partnership with relevant stakeholders and encourage economic growth amongst our members


  1. To protect and defend as may be deemed expedient, the interest of funeral industry and oppose any measure which directly or indirectly impedes or hinders the progress and commercial development of the funeral industry.
  2. To uplift and maintain a high standard of the funeral services through training and development.
  3. To collect knowledge, skills, information and distribute these amongst members of the association and to that end, to acquire, print, subsidise or publish newspapers, books, periodicals or leaflets.

To promote bulk buying amongst members and also to encourage promoting local industry, i.e. manufacturing of coffins, wreaths and other related items.

Visit us

50 Tonnetti Street, Midlink Place, Midrand, 1685

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067 717 9497

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